Branch details

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Branch profile
RSCDS Calgary Branch was formed in 1978. A group of dancers from many clubs around town were looking for an outlet so that all of the groups could interact with one another without losing their individual identity.
At the formation of the Branch, the primary focus was to run functions like dances, workshops and balls that would bring all of the clubs together, especially for social dancing. To this day, the Branchs primary focus is to support the classes around town, some of which have been in existence for almost 60 years.
Currently, we offer dedicated beginners, childrens and youth classes. General, social, technique and more advanced classes are offered by the other clubs in town. We also organize two evening socials, a Hogmanay party and co-host a workshop throughout the year.
Other areas of focus that we have are teacher and musician development. We invest a lot of time and resources in these two major areas in hopes of keeping our local dance community strong, vibrant and focused.
If you ever find yourself at the foot of the Rocky Mountains, come visit us in Calgary!