A body like the RSCDS operates within a significant framework of statutory and regulatory control – and monitoring/oversight – to ensure that the general public and those involved with it can be assured that it is being properly run.
If you, as a member of the RSCDS, would like to stand for election to the Management Board or one of the Management Committees, or would like to seek appointment to one of the appointed posts, details of the nomination procedures can be found on this page.
Articles of Association
The RSCDS is a Scottish Charity and a Company Limited by Guarantee. The Articles are our principal constitutional document. They comply with standards set in company and charity law. Here you will find information about the structure of the RSCDS, the role of general meetings and the responsibilities of the Board.
Rules and procedures
This was prepared with the intention of fleshing out the general legal structure set out in the Articles of Association. It gives guidance in various areas, not least in relation to conduct at General Meetings.
Licence agreement
This is a contract between the RSCDS and individual Branches. Although Branches are largely autonomous, they are required to conduct some of their business in a certain way so that the RSCDS as a whole can function effectively and remain compliant, not least in terms of fulfilling the RSCDS's charitable objects. The Licence obliges the RSCDS to provide certain services in support of Branches, who deliver much of the Society’s charitable work in terms of teaching and promoting Scottish Country Dancing.
For more information on the Licence Agreement please get in touch with the RSCDS Office.
Model Branch constitution
Branches can write their own constitution and submit this to the central office for approval. Most Branches will probably find it convenient to adopt the model Constitution with some variations being incorporated to allow for local circumstances.
Trustees annual report & accounts
The RSCDS is obliged to make its trustees report and accounts available to the public. The most recent document can be downloaded by clicking the link below.
Strategic plan (2025-2029)
In order to develop Scottish Country Dancing worldwide for the benefit of present and future generations the RSCDS has written a plan that outlines strategic aims and objectives we find crucial to the growth of the RSCDS.
Aim 1 - To promote Scottish Country Dance and related dance forms as a living tradition offering inclusive, healthy and exciting activities and enable enjoyable and high-quality Scottish country dance opportunities for all ages and abilities worldwide.
Aim 2 - To build the capacity and networking of branches and other dance groups who share our aims, to help them grow and deliver SCD activity more effectively.
Aim 3 - To maintain and develop high quality of teaching of Scottish country dance and music, including the development of dance and music for all ages and abilities.
Aim 4 - Strengthen and improve the RSCDS, including its governance and long-term financial viability, to enable it to deliver on the above aims.
Policies & procedures
The RSCDS has in place a number of policies and procedures for different aspects of its administration. Some of these are specific to the RSCDS's central management, but others may form a model that will be of use to Branches.
The policies below have all been approved by the Management Board. Additional policies will be posted here as and when they have been presented to and approved by the Board.
Please click on the titles below to open the documents in PDF format: