Scottish Country Dancer is the members’ magazine of the RSCDS. All members receive it twice a year, in April and October, either by post or as an electronic copy. The magazine is produced by an Editorial Team of five RSCDS members, appointed by the Management Board, to whom they are responsible – all volunteers, headed by the Editor. The team is supported by a member of Headquarters staff and currently consists of:
- Marjorie McLaughlin (New Editor)
- Caroline Brockbank
- Jimmie Hill
- Helen McGinley
- Jane McIntosh
- Cécile Hascoët (staff)
The magazine is the Society’s only direct means of communication with all its members and aims to give a snapshot of the RSCDS at the time of publication. The Chairman, Convenors of the Committees, and the Headquarters staff report on their work in each issue.
Through articles about country dance history the magazine aims to inform and raise awareness of the rich traditions of country dancing and music. The series of interviews with significant figures in the dance world is building up an important archive for future generations. Each issue features news from RSCDS Branches and Groups around the world. Official RSCDS dance events – such as Summer and Winter Schools – feature in every issue as well as local day schools and balls. Each magazine has a spotlight on youth, both within the RSCDS and in Scottish schools.
Scottish Country Dancer aims to celebrate everything positive about this vibrant area of Scottish culture and to give members a forum to express their views, concerns and comments by emailing [email protected] .
You can read more about the magazine policy here
Past issues of the Scottish Country Dancer
Past issues of Scottish Country Dancer are available for free download from ISSUU.
Please feel free to share the magazine among your friends and family!