RSCDS teachers convene at TAS Spring workshop
April 12, 2019

RSCDS teachers met at the TAS (Teachers’ Association Scotland) Spring Workshop, held in Perth, on Saturday 6 April 2019. This workshop brought together 45 members and non-members to discuss matters relating to dance and music, their development and interpretation.
These meetings generate dialogue and discussion among teachers on educational matters and variations in the world of dance and music. One TAS member commented that this was, “One of the best workshops I have attended... A whole day of a balanced programme and variety.”
Consideration was given to ‘neglected’ dances, that are taught less frequently and whether or not they should be revived. Other discussions included the components of a balanced dance programme and the revised DAA (Dancing Achievement Award) syllabus. The workshop closed with an update from Roy Bain introducing the SSWG (Scottish Schools Working Group) that aims to extend Dancing Scottish to all young people between 5-18 years in Scottish schools.
Image courtesy of TAS (Teachers' Association Scotland).