Group details
Circolo di Romagna APS-Società di Danza

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Group profile
It has been present in the city of Forlì since 2009 with lessons on Mondays, in the city of Lugo since 2010 with lessons on Fridays.
Dances classes:
FORLI' - all monday 20,00-22,30 palestra scuola elementare "De Amicis", viale Oriani, 11
LUGO - all thursday 20,30-22,30 palestra scuola IPS "E.Stoppa", via Fratelli Cortesi, 2
All monday school gym "De Amicis", Forlì- viale Oriani, 11; all thursday school gym "E. Stoppa", Lugo-via F.lli Cortesi, 2