

Branch details


Email [email protected]
Members 21
Founded 1927

Branch profile

The Clackmannanshire Branch classes run from September to March. During the summer we have weekly dances in Alva with live bands, and we also organise an Annual Dance.

The ALLOA class meets on Thursdays at 7.30 - 9.00 p.m. at the Greenfield Hall (also known as the OAP Hall) in Erskine Street, Alloa. It started on 26th September, 2024, ran for 10 weeks, had a Christmas dinner together before taking a break, and is now into the new year programme, which started on January 16th. At present the numbers are quite small and we would love to recruit new members so although the cost is £6 per class, your first attendance would be free to try out. For further information please contact Kirsteen Easton on 01259-928526 or 07599-240442 or write to [email protected] ..we have a trained teacher, usually Lesley Ross, and our classes are friendly and fun so do come along!

The Dollar Class also meets on Thursday evenings in the Burnside Hall, West Burnside, Dollar between 7.30 and 9.00pm. The classes in 2024 ran from October 10th. until December 12th. and are now into the new year session, The class has live music and a teacher, also costs £6 a session, and like the Alloa class, the first one is free. For further detail, contact Jessie Condie on 01259 743219 or [email protected] or Lorna Anderson on 07773 647 755,

The Annual Dance for 2025 will be held on Friday 2nd. May in the Cochrane Hall in Alva FK12 5LJ dancing to a live band. It was a great success last year after the smaller numbers following Covid (see the photograph opposite) and we look forward to welcoming you all again this year.

This year's Alva Dances start on June 12th and will run for 10 weeks with two gaps, for Alva local events on 26th June and the 10th July so we will dance until 28th August. Bands and programmes to follow -- we are still putting them together!

The Clackmannanshire Branch is nearly 100 years old -2027- and we would love to recruit more dancers living in or near the wee county to help us plan a suitable celebration. Contacts as above even if you don't need the weekly winter classes.

Branch location

56.107535, -3.752941

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Next branch event

Clackmannanshire RSCDS Annual Dance

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  • © 2024 The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
  • Registered Charity No. SC 016085
  • Company No. SC 480530
  • 12 Coates Crescent, Edinburgh, EH3 7AF