Kelowna Scottish Country Dancers


Group details

Kelowna Scottish Country Dancers

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Group profile

Kelowna Scottish Country Dancers, BC, CAN
Scottish country dancing first appeared in Kelowna over 75 years ago – unfortunately the historical article relating to this time isn’t dated. Suffice to say SCD has been alive and well for a very long time in Kelowna. Apparently SCD was first danced in one of the member’s homes, then the local Scottish country dancers moved to numerous halls over a period of 40 years and participated with the A.T.O.S. group at their annual Burns’ Suppers at First United Church in the 1950’s and early 60’s. Following the demise of the A.T.O.S. Burns’ Suppers, Scottish country dancing almost disappeared from Kelowna. Local dancers continued to dance in small groups at private homes with the current club Kelowna Scottish Country Dancers being formed in the mid 1970’s. The present club carries on in the tradition of earlier dancers and have a membership of approximately 25 members.

Group location

49.887952, -119.4935

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  • © 2024 The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
  • Registered Charity No. SC 016085
  • Company No. SC 480530
  • 12 Coates Crescent, Edinburgh, EH3 7AF