

Branch details


Email [email protected]
Website blank
Members 17
Founded 1948

Branch profile

Kirkcudbright is a small town in the south west of Scotland famous for its art galleries and association with the Glasgow Boys especially E.A.Hornel. Kirkcudbright Branch of the RSCDS celebrates its 70th year in 2018. It is an active branch with approximately 20 members of all ages and abilities. Classes, on a Tuesday evening run from September to March. The Branch has a demonstration team which performs for various clubs and societies in the local area and in the Dumfries Festival. As well, it provides dancers for the Kirkcudbright Tattoo – not as large as the Edinburgh one but still a great night for visitors, and for the Scottish Nights held on Thursday evenings during July and August. Summer Social Dancing is organised for 8 weeks in the Spring, where dancers from local branches can get together to enjoy dancing, each evening is taken by a different local teacher. In January, along with Gatehouse of Fleet Branch an Annual Burns Supper and Dance is held – always well attended and a great night for all. We welcome new members and visitors to join us at any time.

Branch location

54.837569, -4.04878

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There are 159 RSCDS Branches and over 300 Affiliated Groups in more than 50 countries around the world, located on all continents (except Antarctica).

They organise and run classes, dances and other social events in their own areas and are committed to helping develop Scottish Dance and Music for future generations.

We encourage you to try Scottish Country Dancing for yourself to see just how much fun it can be, so please come along and learn how to 'Dance Scottish'. 

Wherever you are in the world there is most likely Scottish Country Dancing.

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  • © 2024 The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
  • Registered Charity No. SC 016085
  • Company No. SC 480530
  • 12 Coates Crescent, Edinburgh, EH3 7AF