West Lothian


Branch details

West Lothian

Email [email protected]
Website rscdswestlothian.org.uk
Members 48
Founded 1936

Branch profile

On Thursday, 29th October 1936, at a meeting held in the Masonic Temple in Linlithgow, the RSCDS West Lothian Branch was born. There were, initially, 26 founder members with the numbers later rising to 32. Approximately six months later a Constitution was drawn up and the first Branch Class was started at Broxburn with 54 members. The funds then stood at a healthy 3/9d!
By 1939 classes had been started at various venues but, although some classes managed to carry on, most had to be discontinued due to members attending First Aid and ARP classes. The Branch struggled on during the war years, despite the black-out and travel restrictions, with proceeds from local dances being donated to the Red Cross and War Comforts funds.
In 1945 a great effort was made to return the Branch to its pre-war state and, in the following few years, classes were restarted and social functions arranged. By 1947 the membership had risen to 63 and 3 members had completed their Certificate at Summer School and in 1951 the Branch took over the responsibility for evening classes in Scottish Country Dancing, formerly run by West Lothian Education Committee. Membership by then had risen to 114.
Although membership has fluctuated hugely over the intervening years, West Lothian Branch is still thriving and recently celebrated our 80th Anniversary. We organise a number of events each year – a Day School with a guest teacher, an Annual Ball and two dance weekends. There is a Branch class each Thursday between September and April and social dancing is held on the 2nd Saturday of each month throughout the winter, changing to weekly every Thursday between May to August.
Further information for these events and about our Branch can be found on our website: rscdswestlothian.org.uk

Branch location

55.90702, -3.551717

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  • © 2024 The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
  • Registered Charity No. SC 016085
  • Company No. SC 480530
  • 12 Coates Crescent, Edinburgh, EH3 7AF