Spring Fling 2023 Edinburgh

A weekend of classes, dance and ball in stunning Edinburgh

Bookings are now closed.

Tickets at the door will be available for the Friday and Saturday evening Dances.

Friday Adult £15.00 / Child £7.00

Saturday £20.00 / Child £9.00

We are delighted to welcome Spring Fling back to Edinburgh for 2023 and look forward to seeing you all on 14th April 2023 for a weekend full of dancing, socialising, and a whole host of other activities.   

Booking is now open for 12–35-year-olds so click below to register and enjoy  the option to pay in instalments!  

Those who wish to pay in instalments should choose the "Paypal" payment method, and they will be offered an instalment option.  

If you are aged 12-17 you should apply by booking via the standard form, but you should also get a parent/guardian to fill out the '12-17-year-olds Application Form', found at the bottom of this page, before attending Spring Fling. Please note, that we are unable to have 12 – 17 year olds as residents due to Child Protection laws on room sharing. They can still attend as non-residents. 

This year, as so many missed their last Spring Fling, due to COVID, we will be opening the weekend up to those 35+ who missed their last year so please do join us for your final celebration. For anyone aged ‘35+’ who does not fit into this category, RSCDS Edinburgh Branch are hosting Spring Fringe. Our dances are, of course, open to all. 

You can find all the information about accommodation, classes, teachers, musicians and much more on the Spring Fling Website  


We look forward to seeing you on the dancefloor! 

Spring Fling 2023 Committee 


Spring Fling Fees

Category Price
Resident in Edinburgh Central Youth Hostel (all rooms are shared) £138.00
Non resident £68.00
Dance on 14th April in Meadowbank Stadium* £14.00
Ball on 15th April in Meadowbank Stadium* £19.00
Dance on 14th April in Meadowbank Stadium* under 12 years old only £7.00
Ball on 15th April in Meadowbank Stadium* under 12 years old only £9.00


Accommodation will be in  Edinburgh Central Youth Hostel, 9 Haddington Place, Edinburgh EH7 4AL. PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL ROOMS WILL BE SHARED. Dinner on Saturday night is included in the resident price.

Classes, dance and ball will all take place in Meadowbank Sports Centre, London Road, Edinburgh EH7 6AE 

Just wanting to attend the evening dances? Now you can!

Please note that under 12s attending should be accompanied by a dancing adult.

  Get your ticket HERE! 

Spring Fling Staff

We are delighted to announce that our teachers will be Deb Lees, Alasdair Gray and Abbie Brown and our musicians, Ewan Galloway and Shona and Susan Macfadyen.

Ewan Galloway's Scottish Dance Band will play for Friday's Welcome Dance.

Jim Lindsay and his Scottish Dance Band will play for Saturday's Spring Fling Ball




The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society is under no obligation whatsoever in respect of any personal injury which you may sustain and you agree to conform to any rules or regulations which may be made from time to time and which govern your visit to Spring Fling.

If you have any questions please contact the Events Manager, Moira Thomson: [email protected] 


Every effort will be made to provide refunds up to 17th March 2023. Refunds will not be made for cancellations after this date. All refunds will be subject to an administrative charge of £20 per person. Attendees are strongly advised to have suitable insurance to cover any loss of fees in the event of illness, injury or other unavoidable circumstance.

Cancellation Policy

If, due to circumstances outside our control, we are required to cancel the Spring Fling event then we will inform all attendees and a full refund will be provided. The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society shall assume no liability for any losses resulting from individual pre-booked travel. Please check your personal travel insurance policy.


Attendees are strongly advised to have suitable insurance to cover any loss of fees in the event of illness, injury or other unavoidable circumstance.

If you are aged 12-17 you should apply by booking via the standard form, but you should also get a parent/guardian to fill out this 12-17-year-olds Application Form before attending Spring Fling.


Please note - Scholarship applications for Spring Fling 2023 are now closed.

Unsuccessful applicants will still be able to get the early bird price.

Additionally, you can help spread the cost if you choose to pay via Paypal at time of booking. You can select 'Pay Later' and you won’t pay any interest on your balance for 4 months.

By booking, you agree that your data may be shared with the Spring Fling organising committee.

During the event, photographs and filming will take place and we would like to use some images on the website, social media and publications. These images would be used by the RSCDS, Spring Fling Committee and RSCDS Edinburgh (during evening dances). If you do not consent to any or all of this, please make a member of the committee aware at registration.


Spring Fringe 2023 Edinburgh Fees

You can find more information on the Edinburgh Branch website. 

Adults Regular Young dancers
Improvers         £8 £4
Advanced £8 £4
Combo Advanced and Dances for the Brave £15 £7.50
Ladies Step £8 £4



Family Fun with Ceilidh Kids Free
Taster Session for Primary age children



More information on the these sessions is available on the RSCDS Edinburgh Branch website. 

Upcoming Events

Summer School 2025

With classes for all ages and abilities including Junior Summer School and various social dancing programmes, there is something for everyone at RSCDS Summer School
Event details

Families and Friends Weekend

A brand-new RSCDS event designed for all families (parents/legal guardians with young dancers aged 35 and under), together with dancers aged 40 and under!
Event details

Sign up for the RSCDS eNewsletter

Sign up to:

  • Keep up to date with RSCDS events 
  • Join a worldwide community of Scottish country dance and music

Join an RSCDS Branch & receive member benefits

There are 159 RSCDS Branches and over 300 Affiliated Groups in more than 50 countries around the world, located on all continents (except Antarctica).

They organise and run classes, dances and other social events in their own areas and are committed to helping develop Scottish Dance and Music for future generations.

We encourage you to try Scottish Country Dancing for yourself to see just how much fun it can be, so please come along and learn how to 'Dance Scottish'. 

Wherever you are in the world there is most likely Scottish Country Dancing.

Find my nearest branch

  • © 2024 The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
  • Registered Charity No. SC 016085
  • Company No. SC 480530
  • 12 Coates Crescent, Edinburgh, EH3 7AF