In-person Scottish country dancing was replaced by virtual classes and events for more than a year. But, since Scotland moved to 'Beyond Level 0' on 9th August, RSCDS Branches and Affiliated Groups have been gradually working their way back to normality.
Individual venue requirements may differ but the following advice on Sport and Leisure facilities was issued by the Scottish Government:
- Hand sanitiser may be available at the venue or supplied by the Branch or Group. But you should take your own just in case. Dancers should wash and sanitise their hands regularly
- Dancers should also take their own water and refreshments, as kitchen facilities and vending machines may be out of bounds. Where hot drinks are provided, dancers should think about taking their own mug or cup
- In Scotland, wearing masks in public places indoors is still mandatory. So you will need to wear them as you enter and leave the building, as well as at other times when you are not dancing. However, dancers will be allowed to have hand contact and do not need to wear face masks while dancing indoors
- Each venue may have its own specific guidance on hygiene, use of toilets, making bookings and payments etc. You may find that at venues with no air conditioning, doors and windows will be open for ventilation as much as possible. If you have any questions, do check ahead with your local Branch or Group
- Don’t forget to do some warmup exercises and stretches in advance. This will help to avoid any tweaks or stiffness when you start dancing again. There are lots of RSCDS online classes available for tips on how best to warm up
For more information and the latest advice visit the Sport and Leisure Facilities page on the Scottish Government website.
Rules and regulations are different in each country. Scottish country dancing is classified as an “organised contact sport” when it comes to Covid-19 guidance from the Scottish Government. As the national governing body for Scottish country dancing, the RSCDS receives regular updates and guidance on the return to sport and physical activity from sportscotland.
Here is sportscotland’s latest guidance for Scottish Branches of the RSCDS:
- Before any dancing, it is the responsibility of each Branch Committee to appoint a responsible person(s) as the COVID Officer. This person will act as the point of contact on all things related to the COVID-19 regulations. The Branch COVID Officer should complete the e-learning module which has been created by sportscotland to support those taking on the role. The Branch COVID Officer must also ensure that full risk assessments are in place before any dancing
- Branches must check with their insurance company that valid insurance cover is in place
- Branches must check with their venues for specific regulations on procedures and the numbers they can accommodate. This information, which may include ventilation and hygiene requirements, should be shared with teachers and musicians
- It is important for Branches to ensure that they have up-to-date contact details for all dancers, teachers and musicians. The COVID regulations can change at short notice, which might mean the cancellation of a class or dance. The COVID Officer should put in place clear procedures for quickly contacting teachers and dancers in an evolving situation
- At every class and event, everyone must sign an attendance register for contact tracing purposes