
SCD Promotional Badges and Logos

Scottish Country Dance Pin Badges and Logos


During the mid to latter part of the 20thC (but not exclusively so) many Scottish Country Dance groups, and Scottish Societies who included dancing among their activities, produced distinctive “button-hole” or “lapel” type badges. These usually indicated the location of the group in the world and often included a logo indicative of the location.  They were intended for the use of the members who would often display them attached to their particular dancing attire. They were also used as souvenir gifts which could be purchased by visitors to events organised by the groups. The older badges were diecast and enamelled in (often) bright colours and generally they were most attractive and appealing items of self-promoting “jewellery”. The badges of later date tended to be of the ubiquitous plastic button style and were not nearly so attractive and these were usually produced to mark a major anniversary of the group.

The Archive has in its collection several of the badges from various parts of the World (with a strong representation from Australia!) and a selection are shown below. 

SCD Pin Badges and Logos Selection


The Archive has little or no provenance for these items and if any member can add anything, that would be most useful. In particular the two badges shown below are unidentified and any information about them would be welcome. The badge on the left has a clue! – engraved at the bottom is an outline of the island of Cyprus.

CDS Pin Badges


Contact us at [email protected] with any information or questions!

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There are 159 RSCDS Branches and over 300 Affiliated Groups in more than 50 countries around the world, located on all continents (except Antarctica).

They organise and run classes, dances and other social events in their own areas and are committed to helping develop Scottish Dance and Music for future generations.

We encourage you to try Scottish Country Dancing for yourself to see just how much fun it can be, so please come along and learn how to 'Dance Scottish'. 

Wherever you are in the world there is most likely Scottish Country Dancing.

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  • © 2024 The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
  • Registered Charity No. SC 016085
  • Company No. SC 480530
  • 12 Coates Crescent, Edinburgh, EH3 7AF