Volunteers needed for RSCDS project with the Scottish Government
March 27, 2024

Volunteers Needed for RSCDS project with the Scottish Government
Millions of people around the world share a special connection to Scotland. Whether they have Scottish heritage, business and education links to Scotland, or a passion for our unique and welcoming culture, the Scottish Government is keen to get them involved in our global community.
Following a meeting with Culture Minister Angus Robertson, the RSCDS have been invited to work with the Scottish Government to develop and strengthen Scotland’s ties with countries around the world. The first step is to add the RSCDS’s international branches to the Scottish Governments “Global Community” directory.
We are looking for a few volunteers to help us add the RSCDS international branches to the Scottish Government's “Global Community” directory.
You can volunteer from anywhere in the world, at any time of day – it’s all being done online. You don’t need any special skills, but will need to be comfortable completing simple online forms. All information and training will be provided.
If you can spare a few hours to help with this important project, please contact Cecile Hascoet at Coates Crescent to find out more.