Children around the world & SCD!
December 12, 2019

We have enjoyed seeing children having lots of fun dancing at our various Branches and Affiliated Groups during Global Youth Week! This worldwide initiative was set up by our Youth Services Committee in 2015 to encourage dancers from all over the world to celebrate and promote Scottish country dancing youth initiatives in a week of dance … and looking at the various photos and videos, we are delighted to see our Branches and Affiliated Groups doing just that.
Global Youth Week ran from Saturday 23 November to 30 November in 2019 with the aim of celebrating the involvement of young dancers around the world through sharing photos and videos on Facebook.
The Youth Services Committee are pleased to announce that the Roxburgh, Selkirk and Peebles Branch won the Global Youth Week competition, closely followed by the Lyon and Aberdeen Branch. The winning post showed over 200 children from nine local primary schools enjoying the St Andrews Day ceilidh in Galashiels and received the most likes during the week.
Margaret Pritchard from the Roxburgh, Selkirk and Peebles Branch commented, “It was a great morning and now we have more schools keen to take part in next year’s dance festival in March”.
The Branch will win an article in the Scottish Country Dancer and a £50 RSCDS shop voucher.
Below is one of the many photos that was posted of the event:

Photo courtesy of Margaret Pritchard from Roxburgh, Selkirk and Peebles Branch showing children and adults at the Borders ceilidh.
It was great to see a wide range of fun activities posted during the week.
Here are some highlights of the fun during the week:

Photo courtesy of Lyon Branch showing young dancers enjoying wearing French colours during their Scottish country dance class during Global Youth Week.

Photo courtesy of Dougie MacInnes from Ceilidh Hunters showing children from the Springy Reelers group in Nottingham doing the judging during the St Bernard’s Waltz dance during Global Youth Week. The group was started by Lucy Fallon.

Photo courtesy of Aberdeen Branch showing children and adults at Aberdeen Branch enjoying a ceilidh. More photos can be found on their Facebook page.

Photo courtesy of Edinburgh Branch showing children having a fun Saturday morning, taught by Caroline Brockbank from Ceilidhkids, Rachel Shankland and accompanied by Lindsay Weir.
The Cockermouth Scottish Country Dance Club learned a new dance called Jellybeans and Arches in their youth class during Global Youth Week. This fun dance involves making different shapes with the dancing.

Photo courtesy of Gail Inglis from Cockermouth Scottish Country Dance Club, showing children enjoying dancing ‘Jellybean and Arches’.
Video courtesy of Deer O'Dale Dance School, Russia. A lovely festive video showing Young dancers from the Deer O'Dale Dance School. Teacher was Natalia Gerasimova.
While children in the numerous Branches and Groups have been busy having fun during Global Youth Week, there are also various opportunities throughout the year for young people to engage with Scottish dance and music. Here is a flashback to our recent Autumn Gathering where we enjoyed watching a children’s Demonstration from Dunfermline Branch.
Our Branches and Affiliated Groups are also busy engaging with schools during the year. There are many lovely photos of children on their social media pages shown having a good time learning Scottish country dancing.

Photo courtesy of Sutton Coldfield Branch showing a taster session in the local Four Oaks Primary School with Year 5 pupils.
One such example, is the Sutton Coldfield Branch delivering a taster session to schools in June to celebrate their 60th anniversary. This was a brilliant way of bringing the joy of Scottish country dancing to the local community. Louisa Appleby, Deputy Head Teacher of Four Oaks Primary School commented, “it's wonderful to see the children so absorbed; the dancing is a perfect mix of social interaction with physical activity."
In addition, there is always plenty of fun for children during our Junior Summer School, Spring Fling and the numerous different Branch events and activities occurring throughout the year.
Below is a quick snapshot of fun during our yearly Junior Summer Schools in St Andrews.
While we enjoyed seeing many posts of children enjoying Global Youth Week on Facebook, Scottish country dancing is for all ages, wherever you are based!
We are now looking forward to the next GYW from 10-17 October 2020, when Youth Services will also host the next Virtual Festival. Get your heads together for a few ideas and get ready to join in the fun!