March 9, 2020

Following the identification of the Coronavirus Covid-19 in various locations around the world, please visit the links below for the most up to date advice and guidance:
World Health Organisation Advice
or look on your national government websites.
Good practice for staying healthy
It may seem obvious, but a few precautions can go a long way to stop germs from spreading:
- Wash your hands prior to and directly after attending a dance class
- Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze
- Put used tissues in the bin straight away
- Wash your hands with soap and water often – use hand sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available
- Try to avoid close contact with people who are unwell and please do not attend a dance, a class or a committee meeting if you are feeling unwell.
RSCDS Events
Please note that we are keeping the situation under review for both the Spring Fling and Summer School events.
If you are planning to travel to any RSCDS event wherever in the world, your insurance company might have some specific guidance on policies and cover for coronavirus. Even if you’re not travelling to an affected area, check the terms of your insurance and speak to your insurance provider if you have any questions or concerns.
Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) travel advice
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