Happy New Year!
January 8, 2020

As we commence 2020, we are looking forward to many more Scottish country dance events with traditional Scottish music taking place in Scotland and across the world!
It was great to see the New Zealand Branch Summer School in full swing over the festive period with over 200 dancers from Australia, Canada, USA, Germany, Switzerland, Norway and the UK as well as New Zealand. Enjoy a few flashbacks below:
Next month, members can enjoy our annual Winter School in Pitlochry from 16-21 February. This year marks the 21st anniversary of the Winter School and there are still a few places left if you fancy dancing in this picturesque setting. You can also take advantage of the optional extras such as Whisky tasting, a talk from the John Muir Trust on Wild Scotland, a guided walk around Pitlochry, an Archaeological visit to the Scottish Crannog Centre and a talk from Alan MacPherson, Society Archivist.
Photos of dancers at the Winter School 2019 in the stunning Blair Castle
As well as many exciting Branch events, we are looking forward to Spring Fling and Fringe in both Toronto and St Petersburg in 2020! Enjoy catching up with dancing friends and meeting new people in an exciting new setting with two different locations to choose from. Find more details here.
Booking for Summer School 2020 in St Andrews is open. We are looking forward to seeing many members return as well as welcoming new dancers and non-members. Summer School offers fantastic opportunities for daily Scottish country dancing tuition and social dances. You will be in good company dancing to some of the best Scottish dance bands in the world!

Photos of various weekly activities taken during Summer School 2019
Just a reminder that the deadlines for applying for Scholarships for Summer School and Spring Fling are closing very soon! Apply by Friday 10 January for a Summer School Scholarship and by Saturday 15 February for Spring Fling. Find more details here.
Also, remember to take advantage of the Summer School early bird discount by booking before Sunday 1 March 2020. Finally, in case you have not yet had a chance to buy one of our fabulous RSCDS calendars, then you’re in luck… our 2020 calendar is now half price! Snap one up quickly before they all go!
We wish all our Branches, Affiliated Groups, members, dancers and musicians a happy year of Scottish country dance and Scottish music!