Index to Formations and Movements in Scottish Country Dances
May 3, 2023

We are inviting you to join us this Sunday 7th May for a presentation on the newly updated:
Index to Formations and Movements in Scottish Country Dances
Now provided on the RSCDS website, this edition will be free to all RSCDS Members - simply log in to your RSCDS account to access the full resource.
This presentation will guide you through the new fully interactive edition with click throughs to take you from formations to dances and vice versa. It will give background to the decisions taking in formulating the document, explain the challenges along the way and take dancers, programme devisers and teachers through the many ways to use this interactive tool. 294 formations, 913 dances with sequential bar numbered sections - this version will hopefully become an invaluable RSCDS resource.
The live presentation will be repeated to attract attendees in different time zones with both sessions allowing the opportunity for Q&A and discussion with the team who put this interactive version together.
You can access the online presentation using the link and passcode below. (Recording of the sessions will be available afterwards on our website).
Sunday 7th May
Time: 09:00 to 10:00 BST
Meeting ID: 846 5206 5485
Passcode: 905962
Sunday 7th May
Time: 17:00 to 18:00 BST
Meeting ID: 847 1200 4676
Passcode: 071179