RSCDS Centenary
July 30, 2023

This calendar gives members an insight into the exciting Centenary plans and allows Branches to arrange their own Centenary events around those that are planned in Scotland and worldwide. More updates to follow soon...
2022 |
4 - 6 November |
2023 |
28 January |
19 - 24 February |
25 March |
Please note - Edinburgh Branch will be supporting the RSCDS Centenary celebrations over this weekend by holding a dance on Friday 24 March from 7.30pm - 10.30pm. For more details and to buy your ticket please click here. Edinburgh Branch are also holding a Centenary Concert on Saturday 25 March between 12noon - 1pm. For more details and to buy your ticket please click here. |
14 - 16 April 26 - 28 May |
22 June |
16 July - 13 August |
30 September |
3 - 5 November |
26 November |
Please remember to share your plans for Branch and Affiliated Group Centenary events here so we can help promote them and email if you require access to the RSCDS Centenary marketing assets.
You can view the Centenary launch presentation from the Autumn Gathering here.