DST - Burns Night Flash Mob
January 26, 2022

RSCDS Moscow Branch and Saratov Club ‘Falcor’ welcome fellow-dancers all over the world to join the Fifth Robert Burns Flash Mob!
Join in with the tradition of our Burns Night Flash Mob as dancers join together to celebrate Burns Night across the world. Did you have a Burns Night celebration in your Branch or Affiliated Group? Are you planning an evening of dance? Or perhaps a smaller celebration at home with friends? Why not join in performing the dance Tam O’Shanter from Burns Night in the Annapolis Valley, devised by Maggie and Duncan Keppie.
To take part, please use the tune Blue Bonnets (J8x32) from RSCDS Book 3.
Post your recordings by 15th February using the hash tag #BurnsNight2022. Please also send your videos and links with any Branch or Group logo to [email protected]. Horizontal videos preferred. A combined final video will be produced with the contributions and will be posted on www.facebook.com/groups/scottishdance.ru.
Let’s celebrate Burns Night together wherever we are!

Tam O’Shanter (J8x32) (2C set)
Couple facing couple round the room, Join hands in circles of 4 people (2 couples) for a round-the-room dance, men in the inner circle, women in the outer circle. N.B. walking steps may be used throughout.
1-8 Circle: all circle and back
9-16 Turn and do-si-do: all turn partner with right hands, and then dance back-to-back with partner
17-24 Wheels: all dance right hand across and back with left hands
25-35 Clap and progress: face opposite couple and clap for 4 bars (clap, clap, clap-clap-clap, clap, clap, clap-clap-clap), then pass opposite person by the right shoulder to end facing next couple.
Repeat with next couple.
Watch the dance here.
???? Falkor Club (Saratov, Russia) in 2020, credit Yulia Kazakova