DST - RSCDS Lockerbie had a Ball!
October 26, 2022
RSCDS Lockerbie Branch Chair Gillian Hardstone tells us about their recent 80th Anniversary celebrations.
On Saturday 15th October, 2022, the splendid setting of Lockerbie Town Hall resounded to jigs, reels and strathspeys played by Stuart Anderson and his Scottish Dance Band, as the Lockerbie Branch of the RSCDS held a well-attended Ball to celebrate their 80th Anniversary.
We welcomed dancers from RSCDS branches and country dance groups all over Dumfries & Galloway and Cumbria, who filled the sprung dancefloor for our very special celebration. Branches from Scotland and the north of England also sent their congratulations and best wishes for the future of SCD in our area. Our 80th anniversary cake was cut by Liz McDonnell and Jenny Wyllie, long-standing members of the Branch. We were delighted that our Guest of Honour, presenting the Branch with a commemorative certificate from RSCDS Headquarters, was William Williamson from Dumfries, Chairman-Elect of the RSCDS as we enter the Centenary Year with its associated celebrations.
It was a great evening of dancing, music, food, and friendship, as dancers old and new from a' the airts came together to celebrate with us. We may be a relatively small Branch, but we network and collaborate with other SCD groups north and south of the border - including twice-yearly Nice+Easy Dances for newer and less confident dancers; and we know how to have a good time !
RSCDS Lockerbie holds weekly classes on Thursdays from 7.30pm in the Guide Hut, Victoria Park, Lockerbie, £4.00 per session.
If you haven't tried Scottish Country Dancing before, or haven't danced since you were at school, why not get in touch with us by email via the Branch page on https://www.rscds.org/branches-and-groups/lockerbie
Thanks for sharing this good news story! If you would like to feature in an upcoming Dance Scottish Together, please email lyndsay.walker@rscds.org.