Dundee Branch kick off Centenary celebrations
January 29, 2025

Dundee Branch of the RSCDS began their Centenary celebrations with their First Foot Ball in the Invercarse Hotel in Dundee. The music was provided by the Scott Band SCD band. The popular annual event attracted dancers from all over the east of Scotland and beyond. The Dundee Branch is the third oldest Branch of the RSCDS and the programme contained many references to dances from the last 100 years.
The programme included Kinclaven Bridge, devised by Dundonian, Douglas Henderson. He was a Branch member, dance devisor and teacher back in the 60s and 70s. (The photo below with men making the arches represents arches of the Kinclaven Bridge). Also included was JB Milne, the Hugh Foss dance to the tune composed by Angus Fitchet, the Dundee SCD band leader, celebrating a Dundee cinema owner. The first couple represent actors on a cinema screen, outlined by the 2s and 3s.

Another of the dances enjoyed was the strathspey, Miss Dow's Strathspey. Miss Meta Dow was a founder member and teacher of the Branch and was well known in the wider Society. She also taught at St Andrews’ Summer School. She was friendly with John ‘Dancie’ Reid of Newtyle who composed the fine tune ‘Miss Dow’s Fancy’ in her honour. The past Chair of the Society, Alistair MacFadyen, was of the opinion that Miss Dow deserved more recognition. He suggested that RSCDS archivist Alan Macpherson devise a dance in her honour as a fitting tribute, which Alan set to John Reid’s tune. John ‘Dancie’ Reid apparently taught the old Queen Mother Scottish Country Dancing at Glamis Castle. He also played for early Dundee Branch dances with the John Reid Orchestra.
The Centenary celebrations will continue with an afternoon tea for members on 9 February, the date of the first meeting which founded the Branch. It will be held in the Malmaison Hotel, which was Mathers Rooms back in 1925. In March the Branch will be holding their Half-day School and Centenary Dance with Jim Lindsay and his Band. The teacher will be William Williamson and they will be joined by Chair of the Society, Gary Coull, and Vice Chair, Sebastian Wanless.