
Enriched and inspired after Spring Fling Cambridge

Spring Fling scholarship report


I’m Michelle, 23, from Malaysia. Scottish dance definitely came into my life unexpectedly and has played a massive role since. First, I would like to express my immense gratitude for providing me with the opportunity to attend the Spring Fling Scholarship 2024 through the Jean Milligan Memorial Fund. Spring Fling Cambridge, 12th - 14th of April 2024, proved to be a remarkable gathering of talent, energy, and passion for Scottish dance.

As a delegate, I was fully immersed in the weekend away, learning new dance techniques, surrounded by passionate young dancers, and building greater rapport within the youth Scottish dance community. From the moment I stepped into the hostel, I was pleasantly surprised to learn that I had been allocated roommates from the RSCDS Aberdeen and London Branches, with whom I had frequently danced. Sharing this experience with them has been incredible, as we forged and strengthened existing bonds and made new ones.

I was very grateful to have been awarded the scholarship, as it allowed me to fully experience the event as a resident. The venue and hostel itself were amazing, with breakfasts served and comfortable living conditions. These common spaces allowed us to meet and connect with dancers from different parts of the world, such as Bristol, Japan, Hungary, etc., enriching my understanding
of dance as a universal language that transcends borders and cultures. Having attended Spring Fling last year, it truly pushed me out of my comfort zone and challenged my dancing abilities.

The Friday and Saturday night dances and programme itself were incredibly well-organised, and I enjoyed the flow of dances and the lively atmosphere that filled the hall. Each dance featured in the programme expanded my repertoire despite my limited knowledge of dance. Additionally, I was able to participate in the Intermediate class, which was super helpful as we practised the dances for the evening program. Moreover, Spring Fling introduced me to Highland dancing for the first time, providing an unexpected learning experience. Exploring the distinctions between Highland and Country dancing was enlightening, and practising alongside both beginners and experienced dancers in a live setting was truly rewarding.

On Sunday, we had lots of fun being silly with dancing too, choreographing our own dances in the room, and even dancing backwards, which definitely got our creative juices flowing. Overall, Spring Fling Cambridge 2024 has left a long-lasting memory, one that I would recommend every Scottish dancer to experience. Through workshops, evening dances, and meaningful connections, I was left enriched and inspired. As I reflect on my time at Spring Fling, I am grateful for this opportunity, which will continue to shape my dance journey, and I eagerly anticipate Brighton next year!

Spring Fling scholarship report

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  • © 2024 The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
  • Registered Charity No. SC 016085
  • Company No. SC 480530
  • 12 Coates Crescent, Edinburgh, EH3 7AF