Guernsey Scottish Dancers
July 26, 2023

Christine Babbé, Guernsey Group organiser shares details of their recent Centenary Dance.
On Midsummer’s evening the Guernsey Scottish Dancers (part of the Guernsey Scottish Association) held their end of term dance which was dedicated to the RSCDS and entitled “The Centenary Dance”. We are only a small group but with a few dancers from the U3A Scottish dance group, Lesley Hall visiting from Barnet & Maike Wittfoth from Lübeck in Germany we numbered almost 30.
It was a lovely evening, the sun shining in through the windows of Blanchelande College, put us all in a good mood. We only had CDs to dance to, but living on an island that is what we are used to and everyone had a most enjoyable evening. We all brought food to share which was delicious and plentiful and I made a fruit cake which was decorated by the husband of one of our dancers with the Centenary logo.
It was good to get together, as so many another groups and branches have this year, to celebrate 100 years of the RSCDS which promotes such a wonderful social activity that brings so many nationalities together.