IVFDF 2025
March 26, 2025

The 75th Intervarsity Folk Dance Festival was held at the University of Sheffield over the weekend of 28th February to 2nd March. Over 500 students gathered for two evenings of social dancing, and a weekends worth of workshops - everything from 15th century English dancing to Lindy Hop, or from joining the ceilidh scratch band to using your body to provide percussion. Plus of course the traditional Morris Tour with 19 sides from all over the UK.

The Saturday night Scottish country dance was sponsored by the RSCDS and run with the support of RSCDS Sheffield. The joyful music was provided by the Midlands-based Scottish Country Dance Band Canna’Laigh, with their line-up of accordion, flute and fiddle. The student union foundry was filled with the sounds of exuberance as a mix of experienced Scottish dancers and experienced and beginner ceilidh dancers got to grips with some local favourite Scottish country dances. A further Scottish country dance workshop was held at midday on Sunday in the grandeur of Sheffield’s Firth Hall.