Jigs and Reels available now on Glow
September 25, 2024

Back in 2019 Roy Bain started the process to get our resources available to schools via their intranet system Glow. With Covid and many changes to personnel both at Coates Crescent and Education Scotland, we began to think it would never happen. Then, with the help and sponsorship of Neil Millar, Senior Education Officer for Expressive Arts, from Education Scotland, we received the news, just as the schools were breaking up for the holidays, that Jigs & Reels and Dance Trad were now freely available to all teaching and non teaching staff in the RM Unify App Library.
On checking with a teacher and an Active Schools coordinator that they were indeed live, they were able to give me a couple of different ways to access – switch tab that says launch pad to app library and add to personal space OR search RSCDS Jigs & Reels or RSCDS Dance Trad to find the tiles.
Please share this information with local schools, teachers or active schools coordinators that you may be in contact with and have them contact [email protected] if they require any help.
Lorna Valentine, Scottish Schools Working Group