
Keep Dancing...with Lucy Clark SCD Club!

Lucy Clark SCD Club take part in Let's Dance


Keep Dancing…

Promoting health and joy through dance was the aim of the national Let’s Dance Campaign, spearheaded by Angela Rippon following her appearance on Strictly Come Dancing.   The aims of the initiative were exactly in line with what we at the Lucy Clark Dance Club promote:

  • The mental and physical benefits of dance
  • The general health benefits of dance as we grow older
  • The need to attract young people to the dancing world

So, late last year, when we were asked to be involved in a local event we knew we had to participate.   

On Sunday 2 March, we joined other dance clubs to offer taster sessions of tap, salsa, flexercise and keep fit.  About 100 people spent a very active morning experiencing the joy and fun of these different dance genres, many of them for the first time.   Our ceilidh dance session was led by two of our enthusiastic teachers, supported by several of our dancers - and it went down a storm!

Among the many comments received afterwards were:

“…loved the way your dancers mixed in with us.”

“SCD was the highlight for me because I could dance with anyone in the room” 

In Angela Rippon’s webinar to promote the event, she explained her reasons for the initiative.   She was aware that, following lockdown, many dance clubs struggled financially (some closed) and she was aware of the need for clubs to attract new members.     

I’m delighted to say that, during the event, five people expressed interest in our beginners’ class and some were able to join us the following week. 

Being part of what’s likely to be the biggest dance event in the UK worked very well for us!


Liz Mitchell

Chairman of Lucy Clark SCD Club (Wendover)



Lucy Clark SCD Club take part in Let's Dance

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  • © 2024 The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
  • Registered Charity No. SC 016085
  • Company No. SC 480530
  • 12 Coates Crescent, Edinburgh, EH3 7AF