Next Music Director appointed
October 30, 2024

The RSCDS Management Board are delighted to announce that Ian Muir from Prestwick has been appointed as the next RSCDS Music Director.
As mentioned when the role was advertised, Ian will now be working with Luke Brady, current MD, on the Music Director review before taking up post in 2025.
The role of RSCDS Music Director has grown in scope since the original role was created as well as embracing the demands of changing technology. This review will look to redefine the remit, review musical activities and their delivery, scope future opportunities and look to establish a working music sub-committee, as well as embracing feedback from musicians around the globe.
Thanks are also expressed to those who applied and expressed interest in the position and review. We look forward to following up on those discussions.
In the meantime, we hope you join with the Board in congratulating Ian.