Twin Cities Branch At the Renaissance Festival
November 27, 2024

This fall we wrapped up our 51st year performing at the Minnesota Renaissance Festival. This is the pinnacle of our year and a cornerstone activity of our Branch, RSCDS Twin Cities, Minnesota, USA. We have performed there every year since 1973, through wind & rain, heat & humidity, dust & mud (often simultaneously) to promote Scottish country dancing to the public.
The Festival draws about 250,000 visitors through the 15 day run, every weekend from mid-August till the end of September. Our group usually performs on 6 weekends, four performances each day, for a total of 48 half-hour shows. We also participate in the daily parade. Each year we recruit about 40 members to participate with us at the Festival – as dancers, bagpipers, helpers, and announcers.
It is a major endeavour to plan and teach a performance repertoire, and recruit participants for so many performances during the festival. However, it is a golden opportunity for our Branch to promote Scottish country dancing, and a motivation for our dancers to improve and demonstrate their skills. Performing at the festival is a bonding experience for our current members and an effective recruiting tool for new dancers. Another aspect of our Festival performance is to show that anyone can do it - it is a fun and friendly activity for all ages and abilities, which brings many health benefits.
The skirl of the bagpipes cuts through the noise and distractions of the Festival and draws visitors to take a seat for our show. If you are lucky you may catch a rare glimpse of our special friend Nessie. Our performance consists of two “acts” of Scottish country dancing, a medley dance, Highland step dancing by our partner group Fligmagerie, and a participation dance for the audience to get up and join in. Afterwards we invite them to try our classes for free.

Most of the visitors to our try-out classes saw us perform at the Renaissance Festival, and many stay to become new members.
Next year, 2025, brings up our 50th anniversary as a branch. We couldn’t have done it without the Minnesota Renaissance Festival!
For information on our upcoming celebrations, please visit our website RSCDS TwinCities celebrations or Facebook page RSCDS TwinCities Facebook
Bill Brown, Twin-Cities Branch, RSCDS.
Photos: Lev Semanduev